On November 6th, 2018, Burlington voters approved a $70 million bond to completely reshape the educational experience delivered at Burlington High School. The bond passed with more than 73% voting in favor of the project! Now that the bond has passed, Burlington School District will begin work on putting together a plan to start the detailed design process, as well as site, traffic, and engineering studies. Community and staff members will continue to be invited to participate in the work that will be done in order to break ground on this exciting project. Stay tuned for updates, or scroll down to learn more about the project.
School Year 2021-22 PCB Updates
School Year 2020-21 PCB Updates
November 10: On Thursday, November 6th, a special board meeting was held to discuss the in-person learning options for the short and long-term future of BHS and BTC. This was followed up by an additional update at the November 10th regular board meeting (also available on our Facebook page). Please find a recap of the updates here.
November 3: BHS to Move Edmunds on Wednesdays
October 20: On Tuesday, October 20th, we held an important board meeting regarding the future of in-person learning for high school students and the BHS/BTC campus. Several people participated in public comment and the board engaged in a robust conversation regarding the options I see before us:
- Return to BHS now while remediation occurs and the ReEnvisioning Project continues as planned.
- Move to an alternate location for 2-3 years while remediation and the ReEnvisioning occur at the BHS site and move back into BHS after the construction is complete.
- Move to an alternate location for 2-3 years while building a new high school and tech center at our current site or in a new location.
Board Memo Regarding BHS Options
Board Presentation
September 16: BHS to Close In-person, Remain in Remote Learning for at Least Remainder of Semester
September 15: Summary of all Building Reports
Map of All Building Test Locations
Q&A: PCBs at BHS 09110020
September 11, 2020: Summary of A, B, and F building reports. For the quickest and easiest way to see and understand the results of the air quality testing for PCBs at the BHS/BTC campus, please view our summary of A, B, and F building reports. Located within the summary document are links to the full reports, but the summary is the best place to start. The Map of “A” and “B” Building Test Locations (with results) is also helpful, as is the Map of “F” Building Test Locations (with results).
September 9, 2020: No School Thurs/Fri at BTC/BHS/OnTop
Final Reports for “F” Building air quality testing for PCBs – Please see the following documents:
Summary of A, B, and F building reports
Map of “A” and “B” Building Test Locations (with results)
Map of “F” Building Test Locations (with results)
September 1, 2020: BHS/BTC ReEnvisioning Update – Hazardous Materials Update
July 8, 2020: BHS/BTC Renovation Presentation to NPA Ward 1 & 8
May 2020: BHS/BTC ReEnvisioning Update – New Schematic Design
Questions, Comments?
Sign-up for updates or submit a comment or question to us about the current process. Please note, many questions can be answered by looking through the recent updates and historical information on this page.