In the spring of senior year, students lead a PLP conference to share their work with a panel made up of teachers, other trusted adults, and sometimes other students.
Finalizing Your PLP
Use the Senior PLP Checklist to ensure your PLP will meet expectations for graduation.
Preparing for Your PLP Conference
Before your PLP conference, make sure your PLP is complete, you have practiced your presentation and have reviewed the PLP conference outline. You will be responsible for leading the conference (though the teachers in the room can support you as needed).
- My PLP is finalized and published.
- I timed myself practicing my PLP presentation, making sure I’m ready to
- Spend about 15-20 minutes going through the sections of my PLP
- Answer the senior reflection questions (the panel will ask you these questions)
What to Expect on Conference Day
On the day of your conference, please
- Arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in.
- Lead a round of introductions. Both you and the panel should introduce themselves.
- Spend about 15-20 minutes talking through the sections of your PLP.
- Answer questions from members of your panel (about 5-10 minutes)
While you present, the members of your panel will be taking notes using one of the forms below.
After you present, your panel will ask you to step outside to wait while they discuss your presentation. When they call you back in, they will either:
- Let you know your PLP meets expectations and share some specific positive feedback about your work.
- Let you know what areas of your PLP need revisions before they meet expectations and explain how to get support for those next steps.
If your PLP needs revision before meeting expectations, please use the panel’s feedback to revise your work. The PLP coordinator (Kim Fankhauser) will contact you about the deadline for completing your revisions, so please be sure to check your email.
On the day of your conference, please
- Arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in.
- Lead a round of introductions. Both you and the panel should introduce themselves.
- Spend about 15-20 minutes talking through the sections of your PLP.
- Answer questions from members of your panel (about 5-10 minutes)