The State of Vermont describes the PLP as “A student’s road map as they progress through their educational experience, informing choices through those years and beyond. PLPs not only help articulate and clarify students’ goals and needs but also are a reflection of the importance of student agency in learning…” “Creating Personalized Learning Plans provides students the opportunity to reflect upon their learning and shape their future, and enables the adults in their lives to better understand each student as a unique individual.” |
Why PLPs?
- A place to set and reflect on your goals for high school and beyond
- A place to document personal and academic growth
- A way to show your personal journey through high school
- An important graduation requirement documenting evidence of meeting the BHS Graduate Expectations (GXs)
- A fantastic resource when applying for college or careers
What are Graduate Expectations (GXs)?
Our graduate expectations (GXs) are the transferable skills all students at BHS must show proficiency in to graduate. They were originally developed by a team of students, parents/community members,teachers, and administrators based on input from community forums, research, and models from proficiency-based school programs. The GXs represent the skills that the Burlington community consider essential for BHS graduates.