This page includes all the information you need to create and update your Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). Expand each section below for a description, links to resources, and helpful checklists for creating your PLP.
Getting Started
BHS uses google sites for PLP creation. Use the instructions below to make a copy of the schoolwide template. Though you should keep the basic organization of the pages the same, you are encouraged to personalize the look of your PLP to make it your own.
- I have made a copy of the BHS PLP template and updated it with my name.
- I have shared my PLP with Kim Fankhauser and my advisory teacher.
- I have changed the sharing settings on my PLP to anyone with the link can view.
About Me
The About Me page of the PLP is a place for a student to show who they are, including interests, passions, strengths and challenges. This is also a place where a student might show their vision for their future.
About Me Page Instructions (Also found on the PLP template)
Self Check:
- I have pictures that represent me and my interests on my “About Me” page.
- Each picture has a short description and date.
- I have published my updates.
- I come back to the “About Me” page before my senior PLP presentation to update it.
Each PLP includes goals that the student sets for themself. These might be short-term goals, to be achieved in a few weeks or months, and/or long-term goals, to be achieved in 6 or more months. Students will review their goals throughout the year, and reflect on their progress.
Goals Instructions (Also found on the PLP template)
Self Check:
- I have added goals from the time I’ve been in high school.
- I used one of the goals template options to write my goals.
- I have published my updates.
Learning Outside of School
The Learning Outside of School page of the PLP is a place to show and reflect on learning from outside the classroom. There are so many other ways that students learn! This might include learning from participating in sports, clubs, jobs, internships, community service, or family experiences. There are many ways students could show their learning. Students can choose to either complete the achievements section OR the learning outside of school section. They are not required to do both.
Learning Outside of School Instructions (Also found on the PLP template)
Video: Learning Outside of School and Achievements
Self Check:
- I have added learning experiences I’ve had outside of school. For each experience, I included:
- The dates of the learning, participation or experience
- Evidence of the learning/experience (certificate, letter, photo, video clip, etc.)
- A short description of the experience and a reflection about what I learned
- I have published my updates.
The Achievements page of the PLP is like a student’s resume of their time in high school. This page includes accomplishments and recognition, such as awards, contests and competitions. Students can choose to either complete the achievements section OR the learning outside of school section. They are not required to do both.
Achievements Page Instructions (Also found on the PLP template)
Self Check:
- I have added achievements from the time I’ve been in high school For each achievement, I’ve included:
- The date
- Evidence of the achievement (certificate, letter, photo, video clip, etc.)
- A short description of the achievement
- I have published my updates.
The Graduate Expectations (GXs)
The Graduate Expectations (GX) are the 5 skill areas that all BHS students have to show they can do in order to graduate. Each year, students choose evidence of their progress toward the 5 GXs and reflect on what the evidence shows.
Self Check:
- For each piece of evidence I’ve added, I’ve made sure it includes:
- A title
- A date
- Evidence
- A reflection explaining how the evidence connects to the GX
- I have changed the sharing permissions on all pieces of evidence to anyone with the link can view
- I have self-assessed my work using the PLP learning scale.
- I have published my updates.