Changes Beginning in the 23/24 School Year
In 23/24 BSD is changing what counts as an excused absence. We are discontinuing the practice of accepting parental communication as the primary determinant of excused absences and using the guidance from the AOE regarding when an absence is considered excusable.
How does this effect parents and guardians when calling or emailing regarding attendance? With the new state regulations it is of the upmost importance that you include the reason for your student’s absence, tardiness, or early dismissal when leaving a voicemail or email. If the reasoning does not fall under the excused absences included below OR if no reason is provided the student is still considered absent unexcused.
Excused Absences
From the AOE Website: An absence is considered excusable when it is the result of:
- Personal illness;
- Appointments with health professionals that cannot be made outside of the regular school day;
- Observance of recognized religious holidays when the observance is required during a regular school day;
- Emergency family situations such as a death in the family;
- Planned absences for personal or educational purposes which have been approved.
- Absences due to suspension or expulsion
As always, please contact our attendance coordinator, Carlie Allen, for all attendance related inquiries.
Phone: 802-864-8411 and dial option 1
Email: dtbhsattendance@bsdvt.org
Please note: voicemails and emails are checked by Carlie regularly throughout the day. Please help Carlie by leaving detailed messages.
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