Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 – October 15
Bell Schedule for Sept 27

2023 Graduation & Year End FAQs
When is Graduation?
Graduation will be on Thursday, June 15th at 3:00pm.
Where is Graduation?
UVM Patrick Gymnasium, 97 Spear Street, Burlington, VT.
Is there a Graduation Rehearsal?
Yes, graduation rehearsal will take place on Thursday, June 15th from 9:00-11:00 am in Patrick Gymnasium. This is a mandatory rehearsal for all seniors who are graduating and walking in graduation. If you do not attend the graduation rehearsal, you will not be able to participate in the graduation ceremony.
What time do I need to arrive for the actual Graduation Ceremony?
Graduates – Please arrive at graduation no later than 2:00 pm. Graduates will meet on the indoor turf – this location will be shown at graduation rehearsal.
Guests – Doors will open at 2:30 pm for seating. It is first come, first serve. We ask that families sit together whenever possible.
How many tickets does each graduate get and where do I get them?
Each Graduate will receive ten tickets. If your family requires more than ten, please call the Main Office to be put on a waiting list. If you have extra tickets, please return them to the Main Office by June 7th so we can redistribute them.
Ticket Distribution
Pick up tickets on Wednesday, May 31st in the Hub between 1:00-1:30pm or Tuesday, June 6th in the Hub between 2:15-2:45 pm
What if I need accessible seating?
We have a limited number of floor seats available for those who need accessible seating. Please complete this form to reserve your floor seats by Monday, June 5th at noon.
How do I get my Cap and Gown?
Caps and Gowns will be distributed on Wednesday, June 14th after your mandatory senior class meeting from 1:25 – 2:00 pm in room 143.
Can I decorate my cap/gown?
Caps may be decorated. We reserve the right to replace any cap deemed inappropriate or offensive.
If you would like to plan ahead, the dimensions of the cap are: 9” x 9”, with a quarter sized hole in the center for the tassel.
Gowns may not be altered or adorned.
What if I haven’t ordered my Cap and Gown yet?
Email Ducky Jones ASAP – djones@bsdvt.org
Please include
- Your full name
- Your height
- Your approximate weight/shirt size
Caps and gowns are $30.00 each. Payment is accepted via cash or check (made out to Burlington High School), and will be accepted until May 26th. Please give payment to Lisa Straley in the Main Office.
What if I’m not sure I’m graduating?
Connect with your school counselor ASAP if you have questions or concerns about your graduation status.
What about my books/chromebooks/outstanding lunch balance?
Chromebooks: Seniors will be able to return their Chromebook to IT as early as June 5. Chromebooks will be locked and disabled by 4 pm on June 9. The final day that seniors can return their Chromebook is June 12.
- If you have books you are no longer using, please turn them into your teachers ASAP
- If you are using a book through the end of the year, please turn them into your teacher by June 2nd
- If you have books left over from last year, please bring them in ASAP
How can people who aren’t at graduation still watch me graduate?
There will be a live stream via The Media Factory at www.mediafactory.org/bhs – you can watch all graduates graduate in real time!
Who do I go to if I have questions?
Fines – Lisa Straley/Carlie Allen – lstraley@bsdvt.org/callen@bsdvt.org
Cap and Gown Ordering: Ducky Jones – djones@bsdvt.org
Tickets – Colby Skoglund – cskoglun@bsdvt.org
Important Dates
May 30th – Graduation Ticket pick up A – L
May 31st – Graduation Ticket pick up M – Z
June 1-13 YES Session – mandatory for graduation
June 14th – YES Presentation of Learning Day 9:00-1:05 (mandatory)
June 14th – Senior Class Meeting 1:20-2:00 pm in room 143 (mandatory)
June 15th – Graduation Rehearsal 9:00-11:00 am at Patrick Gymnasium (mandatory)
June 15th – Graduation – please arrive by 2:00 pm
Seahorse Pride Meeting
Please join the next Seahorse Pride meeting will be April 3, 2023 from 6-7. To get to the link click the title of this post and then click this link to the google meet.
BHS Online Store

BHS Merchandise for Sale
BHS Seahorse Apparel
Holiday and Winter Orders
Arrives in Late January
Spring CCV Classes at BHS
In addition to the opportunity for students to participate in dual enrollment classes on college campuses, BHS is happy to continue our partnership with Community College of Vermont by offering the following CCV classes in Spring 2023 (semester 2) at BHS during the school day. Students must have already earned 12 high school credits. Students should contact Kate Stein kstein@bsdvt.org by Wednesday, December 7th if they are interested in any of these classes.
American Sign Language II offers students the opportunity to gain intermediate experience in American Sign Language. Emphasis is given to a broader study of cultural behaviors, values and norms to demonstrate respect and understanding of the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture at a higher level. Prerequisite: American Sign Language I. (Blue 4) *Earns World Language 1 credit at BHS.
Intro to Sociology is a survey of the basic issues, concepts, theories, and methods of sociology. Students learn to think critically about the nature of society and social institutions, and the relationship among individuals and groups. Topics will include social organization, socialization and social change, social stratification, class and class conflict, biological sex, gender expression, sexuality, race, ethnicity, age, and ability. (White 1) *Earns 1 elective credit at BHS.
Intro to Criminal Justice provides an overview of the American criminal justice system, tracing its history and development while assessing its strengths and weaknesses. The roles of the agencies that comprise the criminal justice system (representing law enforcement, courts, and corrections) are examined. Students explore career opportunities in the criminal justice system, including positions as a law enforcement officer, court personnel, attorney, paralegal, corrections, justice advocacy, and victim services. (White 2 Tuesdays & Thursdays – no alternating Fridays) *Earns 1 elective credit at BHS.
Opportunity for 10th Graders
Community College of Vermont offers a free on-line Introduction to College and Careers class. ICC helps high school students set goals and problem-solve; manage time and stress; improve communication skills; take better notes and reduce test anxiety; plan finances for college; and explore career options. The class is offered as pass/fail and BHS offers .5 elective credit upon successful completion of this class.
For more information click here.
Congratulations to BHS Music Student!
On behalf of the BHS Music Department, we would like to congratulate Laura Zhou-Hackett, senior at BHS, for recently being chosen as one of the Vermont Youth Orchestra’s Senior Soloists! Each year, the VYO Senior class auditions for a panel of judges for the honor of performing as the featured soloist for one of their four concerts at the Flynn. Laura will perform at the February 5, 2023 concert performing Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto No. 2.
Seahorse Pride Meeting
Seahorse Pride Meeting
Second Monday of the month from 6-7 pm
Location TBD